DIY Flower Crown Tutorial (EASY!)

Here is a quick tutorial for a cute and easy flower crown!

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

Finished flower crown by caligirldiy

What you’ll need:  Wire, pliers, wire cutters, scissors, assorted fake flowers, hot glue gun, brown embroidery floss, and clear tape (not shown).
Step 1.

 Measure the circumference of your head with the brown embroidery floss, then add a few extra inches. All together my thread was 36″ long.
Step 2.

 Using the wire cutters, cut a piece of wire that goes around about half your head.
Step 3.

 Bend the wire into a C shape. Then, create loops using the pliers, pinching them tightly closed.
Step 4.

 Grab three to five fake flowers and bunch them together, then wrap the clear tape around the stems securing them in place. These bunches of flowers will be called clusters.
Step 5.

 Set down your bent wire piece and start placing (not gluing) clusters onto it to get an idea of how you want your crown to look.
Step 6.

 Cluster by cluster, start gluing flowers to the crown base. Make sure that you cover both the top and the bottom of the wire piece with flowers so that no glue or wire shows!

 (My flower crown after all of the clusters had been glued on)
Step 7.

 String the embroidery floss through one of the wire loops.
Step 8.

 String the ends of the floss through the second loop and tie a knot.
Step 9.

 Cut the thread in half and add a dot of glue to each end, so they don’t fray.
Step 10.

 Tie up the ends and there you have it, a completed DIY flower crown! 🌸

For more DIY fun, follow my instagram: @caligirl_diy 😊

DIY cord organizer 

What you need:
 Fabric(I used an old skirt), scissors, glue gun and an empty toilet paper roll.

Step 1.

 Cut a rectangle out of your fabric.

Step 2.

  Glue down all of the edges of the fabric.

Step 3.
  Add a line of hot glue and being rolling the toilet paper roll.

Step 4.

  When you finish rolling, hot glue the last edge down.

Step 5.

 Put your charger or a cord of any kind inside and then you have your fully functional DIY Coe organizer!

DIY ombré canvas wall art

What you’ll need: masking tape, acrylic paints, glitter, a canvas, all-purpose glue, two paint brushes(one for paint one for glue), scissors, water(for the paint) and a pencil(all can be found at a craft store).


Step 1.



Line your canvas’ edges with masking tape then layer the tape in to a rectangle, and draw on your design.

Step 2.


Cut out your design and stick it where you want it on the canvas.

Step 3.


Start painting with the darkest color and get lighter as you go down.

       *my canvas after all my layers*

Step 4. 


Once the paint is fully dried peel off your tape design and with your glue paintbrush paint on the glue(make sure to stay in the lines).

Step 5.


Sprinkle glitter on the glue covered design and then shake it off outside.


And here is your personal DIY ombré canvas wall art!


Thank you for reading this step-by-step tutorial I hope you enjoyed! 

Follow me on Instagram: @caligirl_diy

DIY layered desk organizer 

What you’ll need: hot glue gun(craft store), mason jar(target), one large plate and one small plate(target).


Step 1.

  Hot glue the ring of the mason jar to the bottom of the small plate.

Step 2.


Hot glue the mason jar to the large plate.

Step 3.


Screw the mason jar lid to the mason jar and voilà! You have your very own DIY layered desk organizer!

I hope you enjoyed this step-by-step tutorial!